Camera-based perception systems play a central role in modern autonomous...
This short paper presents a preliminary analysis of three popular Visual...
Autonomous vehicles require accurate and reliable short-term trajectory
Indirect Time of Flight LiDARs can indirectly calculate the scene's dept...
Multimodal learning, particularly for pedestrian detection, has recently...
Scene categorization is a useful precursor task that provides prior know...
Object detection is a comprehensively studied problem in autonomous driv...
Most of the existing works on pedestrian pose estimation do not consider...
Generating a detailed near-field perceptual model of the environment is ...
The incentive for using Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) for the automated
We present the WoodScape fisheye semantic segmentation challenge for
Manual annotation of soiling on surround view cameras is a very challeng...
Keypoint detection and description is a commonly used building block in
Object detection is a comprehensively studied problem in autonomous driv...
Panoptic Segmentation aims to provide an understanding of background (st...
Automotive cameras, particularly surround-view cameras, tend to get soil...
Deep multi-task networks are of particular interest for autonomous drivi...
Automated Parking is becoming a standard feature in modern vehicles. Exi...
Automated Parking is a low speed manoeuvring scenario which is quite
Cameras are getting more and more important in autonomous driving. Wide-...
Moving object detection is a critical task for autonomous vehicles. As
Moving Object Detection (MOD) is an important task for achieving robust
Cameras are an essential part of sensor suite in autonomous driving.
Fisheye cameras are commonly employed for obtaining a large field of vie...
Multi-task learning is commonly used in autonomous driving for solving
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are successfully used for the impor...
Decision making in automated driving is highly specific to the environme...
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are successfully used for various vi...
Majority of semantic segmentation algorithms operate on a single frame e...