Generalized Object Detection on Fisheye Cameras for Autonomous Driving: Dataset, Representations and Baseline

by   Hazem Rashed, et al.

Object detection is a comprehensively studied problem in autonomous driving. However, it has been relatively less explored in the case of fisheye cameras. The standard bounding box fails in fisheye cameras due to the strong radial distortion, particularly in the image's periphery. We explore better representations like oriented bounding box, ellipse, and generic polygon for object detection in fisheye images in this work. We use the IoU metric to compare these representations using accurate instance segmentation ground truth. We design a novel curved bounding box model that has optimal properties for fisheye distortion models. We also design a curvature adaptive perimeter sampling method for obtaining polygon vertices, improving relative mAP score by 4.9 mIoU relative accuracy by 40.3 detection on fisheye cameras for autonomous driving scenarios to the best of our knowledge. The dataset comprising of 10,000 images along with all the object representations ground truth will be made public to encourage further research. We summarize our work in a short video with qualitative results at


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