The concept of antidistinguishability of quantum states has been studied...
The single-letter characterization of the entanglement-assisted capacity...
Density Matrix Exponentiation is a technique for simulating Hamiltonian
Entropy measures quantify the amount of information and correlations pre...
We propose a versatile privacy framework for quantum systems, termed qua...
The fidelity-based smooth min-relative entropy is a distinguishability
Quantifying entanglement is an important task by which the resourcefulne...
The distillable randomness of a bipartite quantum state is an
We study a variant of quantum hypothesis testing wherein an additional
A colloquial interpretation of entropy is that it is the knowledge gaine...
The ideal realization of quantum teleportation relies on having access t...
There is a folkloric belief that a depth-Θ(m) quantum circuit is
needed ...
A semidefinite program (SDP) is a particular kind of convex optimization...
The performance of a quantum information processing protocol is ultimate...
Symmetry is a unifying concept in physics. In quantum information and be...
The distillable entanglement of a bipartite quantum state does not excee...
The quantum relative entropy is a measure of the distinguishability of t...
We develop a resource theory of symmetric distinguishability, the fundam...
This is a preliminary version of a book in progress on the theory of qua...
We introduce various measures of forward classical communication for
One of the fundamental tasks in quantum metrology is to estimate multipl...
The optimized quantum f-divergences form a family of distinguishability
Quantum entanglement is a key physical resource in quantum information
The Petz recovery channel plays an important role in quantum information...
Quantum channel estimation and discrimination are fundamentally related
This paper introduces coherent quantum channel discrimination as a coher...
Given two pairs of quantum states, a fundamental question in the resourc...
The unextendibility or monogamy of entangled states is a key property of...
The security of quantum key distribution has traditionally been analyzed...
In this short note, I show how a recent result of Alhejji and Smith
This paper develops the resource theory of asymmetric distinguishability...
This paper systematically develops the resource theory of asymmetric
The logarithmic negativity of a bipartite quantum state is a widely empl...
Inspired by the power of abstraction in information theory, we consider
To achieve universal quantum computation via general fault-tolerant sche...
We prove that the classical capacity of an arbitrary quantum channel ass...
Magic state manipulation is a crucial component in the leading approache...
Bipartite quantum interactions have applications in a number of differen...
This paper establishes single-letter formulas for the exact entanglement...
The von Neumann entropy of a quantum state is a central concept in physi...
It is well known that for the discrimination of classical and quantum
Insights from quantum information theory show that correlation measures ...
This paper proposes a revised definition for the entanglement cost of a
Gao's quantum union bound is a generalization of the union bound from
Resource theories in quantum information science are helpful for the stu...
With the rapid growth of quantum technologies, knowing the fundamental
Holevo's just-as-good fidelity is a similarity measure for quantum state...
A bipartite quantum interaction corresponds to the most general quantum