In many real-world settings agents engage in strategic interactions with...
While Nash equilibrium has emerged as the central game-theoretic solutio...
In 1964 Shapley devised a family of games for which fictitious play fail...
We study a dynamic model of the relationship between two people where th...
Fictitious play has recently emerged as the most accurate scalable algor...
The standard game-theoretic solution concept, Nash equilibrium, assumes ...
Many real-world games contain parameters which can affect payoffs, actio...
Many important real-world settings contain multiple players interacting ...
Successful algorithms have been developed for computing Nash equilibrium...
Building on recent research for prediction of hurricane trajectories usi...
We describe a new complete algorithm for computing Nash equilibrium in
We compare the performance of two popular iterative algorithms, fictitio...
We define a new concept of "mistake" strategies and actions for
Many real-world domains contain multiple agents behaving strategically w...
Poker is a large complex game of imperfect information, which has been
Creating strong agents for games with more than two players is a major o...
Evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) is an important solution concept in...
Hurricanes are cyclones circulating about a defined center whose closed ...
A problem faced by many instructors is that of designing exams that
Algorithms for equilibrium computation generally make no attempt to ensu...
Two fundamental problems in computational game theory are computing a Na...
The first ever human vs. computer no-limit Texas hold 'em competition to...
We develop a new approach that computes approximate equilibrium strategi...