We propose the geometry-informed neural operator (GINO), a highly effici...
Neural operator architectures approximate operators between
We apply Fourier neural operators (FNOs), a state-of-the-art operator
The physics-informed neural operator (PINO) is a machine learning
Recently, neural networks have proven their impressive ability to solve
State estimation is important for a variety of tasks, from forecasting t...
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is an important strategy for reducing c...
Face recognition (FR) models can be easily fooled by adversarial example...
Lithography modeling is a crucial problem in chip design to ensure a chi...
Deep learning surrogate models have shown promise in solving partial
Machine learning techniques have been extensively studied for mask
Lithography simulation is a critical step in VLSI design and optimizatio...
FourCastNet, short for Fourier Forecasting Neural Network, is a global
Machine learning methods have recently shown promise in solving partial
Numerical simulation of multiphase flow in porous media is essential for...
Recent studies have shown that deep neural networks are vulnerable to
The classical development of neural networks has primarily focused on
Chaotic systems are notoriously challenging to predict because of their
We present an unsupervised word segmentation model, in which the learnin...
The classical development of neural networks has primarily focused on
We present RepRank, an unsupervised graph-based ranking model for extrac...
One of the main challenges in using deep learning-based methods for
The classical development of neural networks has been primarily for mapp...
Work in machine learning and statistics commonly focuses on building mod...
Juba recently proposed a formulation of learning abductive reasoning fro...