Given a hypergraph ℋ, the dual hypergraph of ℋ is the
hypergraph of all ...
The concept of avoidable paths in graphs was introduced by Beisegel,
We consider finite two-person normal form games. The following four
We prove that a deterministic n-person shortest path game has a Nash
We formulate a conjecture from graph theory that is equivalent to
We consider finite n-person deterministic graphical (DG) games. These ga...
In 1975 the first author proved that every finite tight two-person game ...
We show that the One-way ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer (TK) tests agree on any
We consider graphical n-person games with perfect information that have ...
An extension of an induced path P in a graph G is an induced path P'
Given two graphs G and G^* with a one-to-one correspondence between thei...
We study algorithmic complexity of solving subtraction games in a fixed
A vertex in a graph is simplicial if its neighborhood forms a clique. We...
A hypergraph H is said to be 1-Sperner if for every two hyperedges the
In 1953 Gale noticed that for every n-person game in extensive form with...
Given two finite ordered sets A = {a_1, ..., a_m} and B = {b_1,
..., b_n...