Matthew A. Garratt
Matt Garratt's research focuses on sensing, guidance and control for autonomous systems. He has received over $3million in research funding and has been Chief Investigator on 17 external grants, including lead CI on 2 ARC research grants. He is an associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence and the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. Matt was chair of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Task Force on the ethics and social implications of computational intelligence from 2017-2020 and remains as an active member.
Some of his research successes include demonstration of terrain following using vision for an unmanned helicopter, landing an unmanned helicopter onto a moving deck simulator and control of helicopters using neural networks. Some of his current research projects include achieving autonomous flight in cluttered environments using monocular cameras and range sensors, landing UAVs on moving platforms, adaptive flight control for flapping wing and rotary wing vehicles, and self-organising swarms of Unmanned Systems.
Matt is a member of the Trusted Autonomy Group in the School of Engineering and IT.
He is senior lifetime member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), senior member of the IEEE, member of the American Helicopter Society (AHS), and member of the Australian Association for Unmanned Systems (AAUS).