Quickly and reliably finding accurate inverse kinematics (IK) solutions
Autonomous manipulation systems operating in domains where human interve...
Quickly and reliably finding accurate inverse kinematics (IK) solutions
Over the last decade, one of the most relevant public datasets for evalu...
Inverse kinematics (IK) is the problem of finding robot joint configurat...
Solving the inverse kinematics problem is a fundamental challenge in mot...
Event-based cameras are biologically inspired sensors that output events...
Reliable operation in inclement weather is essential to the deployment o...
Articulated robots such as manipulators increasingly must operate in
As robots are becoming more and more ubiquitous in human environments, i...
The majority of inverse kinematics (IK) algorithms search for solutions ...
With the substantial growth of logistics businesses the need for larger ...
Inverse kinematics is a fundamental problem for articulated robots: fast...
A significant challenge in manipulation motion planning is to ensure agi...
Event-based cameras are biologically inspired sensors that output
This paper studies the interplay between kinematics (position and veloci...
Perception is one of the key abilities of autonomous mobile robotic syst...
Computationally efficient moving object detection and depth estimation f...
The rapid growth of e-commerce increases the need for larger warehouses ...
A significant challenge in motion planning is to avoid being in or near
Global localization of a mobile robot using planar surface segments extr...