This paper compares the sum rates and rate regions achieved by power-dom...
This paper investigates the information theoretical limit of a reconfigu...
This paper studies the transmit power optimization in multi-cell massive...
This paper studies the transmit power optimization in a multi-cell massi...
Class selectivity is an attribute of a unit in deep neural networks, whi...
Intelligent reflecting surface (IRS), consisting of massive number of tu...
Symbiotic radio (SR) is emerging as a spectrum- and energy-efficient
This letter shows that optimizing the transmit powers along with optimal...
Sparse support recovery arises in many applications in communications an...
Grant-free massive access is an important technique for supporting massi...
Traditional simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT)...
Large intelligent surface/antennas (LISA), a two-dimensional artificial
Existing methods for robust multigroup multicast beamforming obtain feas...
Pilot contamination caused by the nonorthogonality of pilots is a main
This paper seeks to answer a simple but fundamental question: What role ...