Diffractive deep neural networks (D2NNs) are composed of successive
Under spatially-coherent light, a diffractive optical network composed o...
Diffractive optical networks provide rich opportunities for visual compu...
A unidirectional imager would only permit image formation along one
Histological staining is the gold standard for tissue examination in cli...
We report deep learning-based design of a massively parallel broadband
Classification of an object behind a random and unknown scattering mediu...
Pathological diagnosis relies on the visual inspection of histologically...
Deep learning-based virtual staining was developed to introduce image
Plaque assay is the gold standard method for quantifying the concentrati...
Privacy protection is a growing concern in the digital era, with machine...
Early detection and identification of pathogenic bacteria such as Escher...
Imaging through diffusive media is a challenging problem, where the exis...
The immunohistochemical (IHC) staining of the human epidermal growth fac...
Polarized light microscopy provides high contrast to birefringent specim...
We present a computational live bacteria detection system that periodica...