Universal Linear Intensity Transformations Using Spatially-Incoherent Diffractive Processors

by   Md Sadman Sakib Rahman, et al.

Under spatially-coherent light, a diffractive optical network composed of structured surfaces can be designed to perform any arbitrary complex-valued linear transformation between its input and output fields-of-view (FOVs) if the total number (N) of optimizable phase-only diffractive features is greater than or equal to  2 Ni x No, where Ni and No refer to the number of useful pixels at the input and the output FOVs, respectively. Here we report the design of a spatially-incoherent diffractive optical processor that can approximate any arbitrary linear transformation in time-averaged intensity between its input and output FOVs. Under spatially-incoherent monochromatic light, the spatially-varying intensity point spread functon(H) of a diffractive network, corresponding to a given, arbitrarily-selected linear intensity transformation, can be written as H(m,n;m',n')=|h(m,n;m',n')|^2, where h is the spatially-coherent point-spread function of the same diffractive network, and (m,n) and (m',n') define the coordinates of the output and input FOVs, respectively. Using deep learning, supervised through examples of input-output profiles, we numerically demonstrate that a spatially-incoherent diffractive network can be trained to all-optically perform any arbitrary linear intensity transformation between its input and output if N is greater than or equal to  2 Ni x No. These results constitute the first demonstration of universal linear intensity transformations performed on an input FOV under spatially-incoherent illumination and will be useful for designing all-optical visual processors that can work with incoherent, natural light.


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