OmniXAI: A Library for Explainable AI

by   Wenzhuo Yang, et al.

We introduce OmniXAI, an open-source Python library of eXplainable AI (XAI), which offers omni-way explainable AI capabilities and various interpretable machine learning techniques to address the pain points of understanding and interpreting the decisions made by machine learning (ML) in practice. OmniXAI aims to be a one-stop comprehensive library that makes explainable AI easy for data scientists, ML researchers and practitioners who need explanation for various types of data, models and explanation methods at different stages of ML process (data exploration, feature engineering, model development, evaluation, and decision-making, etc). In particular, our library includes a rich family of explanation methods integrated in a unified interface, which supports multiple data types (tabular data, images, texts, time-series), multiple types of ML models (traditional ML in Scikit-learn and deep learning models in PyTorch/TensorFlow), and a range of diverse explanation methods including "model-specific" and "model-agnostic" ones (such as feature-attribution explanation, counterfactual explanation, gradient-based explanation, etc). For practitioners, the library provides an easy-to-use unified interface to generate the explanations for their applications by only writing a few lines of codes, and also a GUI dashboard for visualization of different explanations for more insights about decisions. In this technical report, we present OmniXAI's design principles, system architectures, and major functionalities, and also demonstrate several example use cases across different types of data, tasks, and models.


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