A Hybrid Neural Coding Approach for Pattern Recognition with Spiking Neural Networks

by   Xinyi Chen, et al.

The biological neural systems evolved to adapt to ecological environment for efficiency and effectiveness, wherein neurons with heterogeneous structures and rich dynamics are optimized to accomplish complex cognitive tasks. Most of the current research of biologically inspired spiking neural networks (SNNs) are, however, grounded on a homogeneous neural coding scheme, which limits their overall performance in terms of accuracy, latency, efficiency, and robustness, etc. In this work, we argue that one should holistically design the network architecture to incorporate diverse neuronal functions and neural coding schemes for best performance. As an early attempt in this research direction, we put forward a hybrid neural coding framework that integrates multiple neural coding schemes discovered in neuroscience. We demonstrate that the proposed hybrid coding scheme achieves a comparable accuracy with the state-of-the-art SNNs with homogeneous neural coding on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and Tiny-ImageNet datasets with less than eight time steps and at least 3.90x fewer computations. Furthermore, we demonstrate accurate, rapid, and robust sound source localization on SoClas dataset. This study yields valuable insights into the performance of various hybrid neural coding designs and hold significant implications for designing high performance SNNs.


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