In autonomous driving tasks, scene understanding is the first step towar...
Cone Beam CT (CBCT) plays a crucial role in Adaptive Radiation Therapy (...
Relying on large-scale training data with pixel-level labels, previous e...
Automated anesthesia promises to enable more precise and personalized
Contrastive learning (CL) has shown great potential in image-to-image
This paper investigates the consistency problem of EKF-based cooperative...
Increasing investment in computing technologies and the advancements in
Multimodal sentiment analysis in videos is a key task in many real-world...
High-fidelity quantum dynamics emulators can be used to predict the time...
Algorithms which minimize the averaged loss have been widely designed fo...
It is well known that quantum codes can be constructed by means of class...
Label noise will degenerate the performance of deep learning algorithms
Accurate prediction of pedestrian crossing behaviors by autonomous vehic...
The aerosol mixing state significantly affects the climate and health im...
Construction of quantum codes and entanglement-assisted quantum codes wi...
Pedestrian trajectory prediction is an essential task in robotic applica...
The transition matrix, denoting the transition relationship from
clean l...
Video anomaly detection (VAD) has been extensively studied. However, res...
Mixture proportion estimation (MPE) is a fundamental problem of
Motivated by the need to develop simulation tools for verification and
Safe autonomous landing in urban cities is a necessity for the growing
Recognizing abnormal events such as traffic violations and accidents in
Predicting the future location of vehicles is essential for safety-criti...