Trac D. Tran
Professor at The Johns Hopkins University- Whiting School of Engineering since 1998, Professor of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Johns Hopkins University since 1998, Consultant at Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD since 2009, ASEE/ONR Summer Faculty Research Fellow at Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division 2002, Consultant at FastVideo Inc., Columbia, MD from 1998-2001, Research assistant at University of Wisconsin, ECE Department from 1994-1998, Summer intern at Xerox Corporation 1997, Summer intern at Adobe Systems Inc., 1996, MIT VI-A internship program at AT&T Bell Laboratories- Image Processing Research Group from 1993-1994, MIT VI-A internship program at AT&T Bell Laboratories- Signal Processing Research Department 1992, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA-EECS Department from 1992-1993, Undergraduate research assistant atMassachusetts Institute of Technology- Microsystems Technology Laboratories 1991