Pose-Selective Max Pooling for Measuring Similarity

by   Xiang Xiang, et al.

In this paper, we deal with two challenges for measuring the similarity of the subject identities in practical video-based face recognition - the variation of the head pose in uncontrolled environments and the computational expense of processing videos. Since the frame-wise feature mean is unable to characterize the pose diversity among frames, we define and preserve the overall pose diversity and closeness in a video. Then, identity will be the only source of variation across videos since the pose varies even within a single video. Instead of simply using all the frames, we select those faces whose pose point is closest to the centroid of the K-means cluster containing that pose point. Then, we represent a video as a bag of frame-wise deep face features while the number of features has been reduced from hundreds to K. Since the video representation can well represent the identity, now we measure the subject similarity between two videos as the max correlation among all possible pairs in the two bags of features. On the official 5,000 video-pairs of the YouTube Face dataset for face verification, our algorithm achieves a comparable performance with VGG-face that averages over deep features of all frames. Other vision tasks can also benefit from the generic idea of employing geometric cues to improve the descriptiveness of deep features.


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