Model-based disease mapping remains a fundamental policy-informing tool ...
Short-term forecasts of infectious disease spread are a critical compone...
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused over 6.4 million registered deaths to d...
Uncertainty can be classified as either aleatoric (intrinsic randomness)...
Hawkes processes are point process models that have been used to capture...
This article introduces epidemia, an R package for Bayesian,
Gaussian processes (GPs), implemented through multivariate Gaussian
Renewal equations are a popular approach used in modelling the number of...
Updating observations of a signal due to the delays in the measurement
We propose a general Bayesian approach to modeling epidemics such as
Model selection is a fundamental part of Bayesian statistical inference;...
There were 25.6 million attendances at Emergency Departments (EDs) in En...
Renewal processes are a popular approach used in modelling infectious di...
Following the emergence of a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and its spre...
Stochastic processes provide a mathematically elegant way model complex ...
Understanding and predicting the popularity of online items is an import...
This chapter provides an accessible introduction for point processes, an...