Biomedical summarization requires large datasets to train for text
The rapid advances in automation technologies, such as artificial
Automatic identification of hateful and abusive content is vital in comb...
Recent years have seen the rise of extremist views in the opinion ecosys...
The political opinion landscape, in a democratic country, lays the found...
This work introduces a novel multivariate temporal point process, the Pa...
Social influence pervades our everyday lives and lays the foundation for...
This work builds a novel point process and tools to use the Hawkes proce...
This paper studies the dynamics of opinion formation and polarization in...
The impact of online social media on societal events and institutions is...
Job security can never be taken for granted, especially in times of rapi...
It is not news that our mobile phones contain a wealth of private inform...
Traffic flow prediction, particularly in areas that experience highly dy...
Congestion prediction represents a major priority for traffic management...
Modeling online discourse dynamics is a core activity in understanding t...
This research develops a Machine Learning approach able to predict labor...
This research develops a Machine Learning approach able to predict labor...
A comprehensive understanding of data bias is the cornerstone of mitigat...
Ever since the web began, the number of websites has been growing
In this work, we develop a new approximation method to solve the analyti...
This research develops a data-driven method to generate sets of highly
Online videos have shown tremendous increase in Internet traffic. Most v...
Online videos have shown tremendous increase in Internet traffic. Most v...
Congestion prediction represents a major priority for traffic management...
In today's society more and more people are connected to the Internet, a...
Predicting traffic incident duration is a major challenge for many traff...
The Hawkes process has been widely applied to modeling self-exciting eve...
Online trolling has raised serious concerns about manipulating public op...
In this paper, we develop a non-parametric Bayesian estimation of Hawkes...
Understanding and predicting the popularity of online items is an import...
Online videos account for 73
and proportional amount of traffic are stil...
This work studies engagement, or time spent watching online videos. Most...
This chapter provides an accessible introduction for point processes, an...
Evolutionary clustering aims at capturing the temporal evolution of clus...
Feature-based format is the main data representation format used by mach...
One of the prevalent learning tasks involving images is content-based im...
We present CommentWatcher, an open source tool aimed at analyzing discus...