A sequential fronthaul network, referred to as radio stripes, is a promi...
In the upcoming 6G era, multiple access (MA) will play an essential role...
This paper studies learning-based decentralized power control methods fo...
Deep learning (DL) techniques have been intensively studied for the
This work studies federated learning (FL) over a fog radio access networ...
Rate-Splitting Multiple Access (RSMA) for multi-user downlink operates b...
Cooperative beamforming across access points (APs) and fronthaul quantiz...
This work studies the role of inter-user device-to-device (D2D) cooperat...
Mobile cloud and edge computing protocols make it possible to offer
Fog radio access networks (F-RANs), which consist of a cloud and multipl...
This paper investigates a learning solution for robust beamforming
This letter studies deep learning (DL) approaches to optimize beamformin...
Over-the-air computation (AirComp) is an efficient solution to enable
This work studies the uplink of a multi-tenant cloud radio access networ...
In modern implementations of Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN), the
This work studies the optimization of rate-splitting multiple access (RS...
We consider a Fog Radio Access Network (F-RAN) with a Base Band Unit (BB...
Hybrid beamforming is known to be a cost-effective and wide-spread solut...