In the framework of Impagliazzo's five worlds, a distinction is often ma...
Current solutions to quantum vulnerabilities of widely used cryptographi...
It is an important question to find constructions of quantum cryptograph...
Leonard Shelby, the protagonist of Memento, uses mementos in the form of...
The no-cloning theorem asserts that, unlike classical information, quant...
Smart contracts are cryptographic protocols that are enforced without a
Uncloneable decryptors are encryption schemes (with classical plaintexts...
The properties of money commonly referenced in the economics literature ...
Message Authentication Code or MAC, is a well-studied cryptographic prim...
Research on quantum technology spans multiple disciplines: physics, comp...
In a quantum money scheme, a bank can issue money that users cannot
We put forward the idea that classical blockchains and smart contracts a...
Private quantum money allows a bank to mint quantum money states that it...
Grover's algorithm provides quantum computers a quadratic advantage over...
The security of the Bitcoin system is based on having a large amount of