In the framework of Impagliazzo's five worlds, a distinction is often ma...
It is an important question to find constructions of quantum cryptograph...
The subset cover problem for k ≥ 1 hash functions, which can be seen as
The traditional definition of quantum zero-knowledge stipulates that the...
We establish the first general connection between the design of quantum
MiniQCrypt is a world where quantum-secure one-way functions exist, and
The random oracle model (ROM) enjoys widespread popularity, mostly becau...
StoqMA characterizes the computational hardness of stoquastic local
Despite the interest in the complexity class MA, the randomized analog o...
We propose a learning model called the quantum statistical learning QSQ
In a recent breakthrough, Mahadev constructed an interactive protocol th...
We provide several advances to the understanding of the class of Quantum...
The cryptographic task of secure multi-party (classical) computation has...
In this work we consider the interplay between multiprover interactive
In this paper we study the quantum learnability of constant-depth classi...
The derandomization of MA, the probabilistic version of NP, is a long
The importance of being able to verify quantum computation delegated to