Despite recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs), users still can...
As the largest knowledge base, Wikidata is a massive source of knowledge...
Task-oriented Dialogue (ToD) agents are mostly limited to a few widely-s...
Task-oriented conversational agents rely on semantic parsers to translat...
Robust state tracking for task-oriented dialogue systems currently remai...
Grounding natural language instructions on the web to perform previously...
We propose Semantic Parser Localizer (SPL), a toolkit that leverages Neu...
We propose AutoQA, a methodology and toolkit to generate semantic parser...
This paper presents a methodology and toolkit for creating a rule-based
While Alexa can perform over 100,000 skills on paper, its capability cov...
Zero-shot transfer learning for multi-domain dialogue state tracking can...
Soteria is a user right management system designed to safeguard user-dat...
Virtual assistants today require every website to submit skills individu...
This paper presents ImagineNet, a tool that uses a novel neural style
We introduce HUBERT which combines the structured-representational power...
To understand diverse natural language commands, virtual assistants toda...