The conventional image-based virtual try-on method cannot generate fitti...
High-dynamic range (HDR) images are circulated rapidly over the internet...
Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Domain (RDHED) is an innovative meth...
Rolling bearings are the most crucial components of rotating machinery.
To ensure protection of the intellectual property rights of DNN models,
Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved excellent performance on sever...
The goal of combinatorial group testing is to efficiently identify up to...
The goal of threshold group testing is to identify up to d defective ite...
The main goal of group testing with inhibitors (GTI) is to identify a sm...
Identification of up to d defective items and up to h inhibitors in a se...
The task of non-adaptive group testing is to identify up to d defective
The goal of non-adaptive group testing is to identify at most d defectiv...
The basic goal of group testing is to identify at most very specific d