Data-centric AI, with its primary focus on the collection, management, a...
Accurate human mobility prediction underpins many important applications...
We propose a novel value approximation method, namely Eigensubspace
Despite the fact that adversarial training has become the de facto metho...
Sparse training has received an upsurging interest in machine learning d...
This paper reveals a new appeal of the recently emerged large-kernel
Warning: This paper contains content that
may be offensive or upsetting....
In this study, we analyze NLG automatic metrics based on whether human
Text-based games (TGs) are language-based interactive environments for
Recent works have impressively demonstrated that there exists a subnetwo...
Open domain question answering (ODQA) is a longstanding task aimed at
We present Twin Answer Sentences Attack (TASA), an adversarial attack me...
Text-to-image person re-identification (ReID) aims to search for pedestr...
Textual logical reasoning, especially question answering (QA) tasks with...
Recent works on sparse neural network training (sparse training) have sh...
Generating high-quality textual adversarial examples is critical for
Recent work incorporates pre-trained word embeddings such as BERT embedd...
Towards building intelligent dialogue agents, there has been a growing
Deep reinforcement learning provides a promising approach for text-based...
The ability to detect Out-of-Domain (OOD) inputs has been a critical
Safe exploration is crucial for the real-world application of reinforcem...
Solving multi-goal reinforcement learning (RL) problems with sparse rewa...
Recent QA with logical reasoning questions requires passage-level relati...
Dialogue generation models face the challenge of producing generic and
When answering a question, people often draw upon their rich world knowl...
StarCraft, one of the most difficult esport games with long-standing his...
Competitive Self-Play (CSP) based Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MA...
We study reinforcement learning (RL) for text-based games, which are
Imitation learning from observation (LfO) is more preferable than imitat...
Large-scale pretrained language models have achieved outstanding perform...
Reading comprehension (RC) has been studied in a variety of datasets wit...
Recent reinforcement learning algorithms for task-oriented dialogue syst...
We present a learning-based approach to solving a Rubik's cube with a
We introduce Arena, a toolkit for multi-agent reinforcement learning (MA...
The goal of few-shot learning is to recognize new visual concepts with j...
Multi-hop reasoning question answering requires deep comprehension of
Recent studies have highlighted that deep neural networks (DNNs) are
In this paper, we comprehensively describe the methodology of our submis...
Active learning aims to select a small subset of data for annotation suc...
Cross-lingual model transfer is a compelling and popular method for
Multi-view spectral clustering, which aims at yielding an agreement or
Cross lingual projection of linguistic annotation suffers from many sour...