3D lung segmentation is essential since it processes the volumetric
Hirschsprungs disease (HD) is a birth defect which is diagnosed and mana...
COVID-19 is currently one the most life-threatening problems around the
In the last few years, Deep Learning (DL) has been showing superior
Deep Learning (DL) approaches have been providing state-of-the-art
The Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) is one of the most powerful...
Due to cellular heterogeneity, cell nuclei classification, segmentation,...
In the last few years, the deep learning technique in particular
Deep learning has demonstrated tremendous success in variety of applicat...
Deep learning (DL) based semantic segmentation methods have been providi...
Deep learning, and in particular Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) have sh...
In the last decade, special purpose computing systems, such as Neuromorp...
Machine learning and computer vision have driven many of the greatest
In spite of advances in object recognition technology, Handwritten Bangl...
In spite of the advances in pattern recognition technology, Handwritten