Tensor parameters that are amortized or regularized over large tensor po...
Tensors are often studied by introducing preorders such as restriction a...
The subrank of tensors is a measure of how much a tensor can be
Channel capacities quantify the optimal rates of sending information rel...
There is a large and important collection of Ramsey-type combinatorial
While it is known that unconditionally secure position-based cryptograph...
We develop and apply new combinatorial and algebraic tools to understand...
Structural and computational understanding of tensors is the driving for...
Designing encoding and decoding circuits to reliably send messages over ...
Whereas matrix rank is additive under direct sum, in 1981 Schönhage show...
We study the algorithmic problem of multiplying large matrices that are
The determination of the asymptotic algebraic complexity of matrix
The asymptotic restriction problem for tensors is to decide, given tenso...