Scenarios in which restrictions in data transfer and storage limit the
Continual learning is the problem of learning from a nonstationary strea...
Real-world data streams naturally include the repetition of previous
In recent years we have witnessed a renewed interest in machine learning...
Continual Learning, also known as Lifelong or Incremental Learning, has
Learning continually is a key aspect of intelligence and a necessary abi...
The ability of a model to learn continually can be empirically assessed ...
On-device training for personalized learning is a challenging research
In the last few years, we have witnessed a renewed and fast-growing inte...
AI-powered edge devices currently lack the ability to adapt their embedd...
This report summarizes IROS 2019-Lifelong Robotic Vision Competition
Training deep networks on light computational devices is nowadays very
Robotic vision is a field where continual learning can play a significan...