We present a simple and provably optimal non-adaptive cell probe data
Computing a shortest path between two nodes in an undirected unweighted ...
In this work we study Invertible Bloom Lookup Tables (IBLTs) with small
In this work, we prove a Ω̃(^3/2 n ) unconditional lower
bound on the ma...
The sparse Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform is one of the central techniq...
AdaBoost is a classic boosting algorithm for combining multiple inaccura...
The aim of boosting is to convert a sequence of weak learners into a str...
We study several variants of a combinatorial game which is based on Cant...
Determining the optimal sample complexity of PAC learning in the realiza...
Given a set of n points in d dimensions, the Euclidean k-means problem
In colored range counting (CRC), the input is a set of points where each...
The Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform allows one to embed a dataset of n
Efficiently computing low discrepancy colorings of various set systems, ...
The classic algorithm AdaBoost allows to convert a weak learner, that is...
The seminal Fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss (Fast JL) transform by Ailon and
The 3SUM-Indexing problem was introduced as a data structure version of ...
Given a set of points in a metric space, the (k,z)-clustering problem
It is well known that the Johnson-Lindenstrauss dimensionality reduction...
Explaining the surprising generalization performance of deep neural netw...
Property-preserving hash functions allow for compressing long inputs x_0...
In this paper, we revisit the classic CountSketch method, which is a spa...
Boosting is one of the most successful ideas in machine learning, achiev...
In a landmark paper, Pǎtraşcu demonstrated how a single lower bound
for ...
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are among the most fundamental tools for
Boosting is one of the most successful ideas in machine learning. The mo...
We consider the following problem, which is useful in applications such ...
We prove an Ω(d n/ ( n)^2) lower bound on the dynamic
cell-probe comple...
Multiplication is one of the most fundamental computational problems, ye...
Boosting algorithms produce a classifier by iteratively combining base
We study the query complexity of a permutation-based variant of the gues...
Sorting extremely large datasets is a frequently occuring task in practi...
An oblivious data structure is a data structure where the memory access
A priority queue is a fundamental data structure that maintains a dynami...
Feature hashing, also known as the hashing trick, introduced by
We consider a range of simply stated dynamic data structure problems on
The conjectured hardness of Boolean matrix-vector multiplication has bee...
In discrepancy minimization problems, we are given a family of sets
S = ...
The k-Means clustering problem on n points is NP-Hard for any dimension