The computation of approximating e^tA B, where A is a large sparse matri...
In this work, we explore the application of multilinear algebra in reduc...
Multilinear Discriminant Analysis (MDA) is a powerful dimension reductio...
In the present work, we propose new tensor Krylov subspace method for il...
In this paper, we propose different algorithms for the solution of a ten...
In the present paper we propose two new algorithms of tensor completion ...
In the present paper, we introduce new tensor Krylov subspace methods fo...
The present paper is concerned with developing tensor iterative Krylov
In the present paper, we are interested in developing iterative Krylov
In this paper, we mainly develop the well-known vector and matrix polyno...
The numerical computation of matrix functions such as f(A)V, where A is
In the present paper, we present some numerical methods for computing
This paper presents an efficient algorithm to solve total variation (TV)...
In the present paper, we consider large scale nonsymmetric differential