Exploring a substantial amount of unlabeled data, semi-supervised learni...
The performance of existing single-view 3D reconstruction methods heavil...
Built on top of self-attention mechanisms, vision transformers have
Video transformers have achieved impressive results on major video
Recent advances in semi-supervised object detection (SSOD) are largely d...
Videos are multimodal in nature. Conventional video recognition pipeline...
3D convolutional networks are prevalent for video recognition. While
Convex relaxations are effective for training and certifying neural netw...
State-of-the-art object detectors rely on regressing and classifying an
In this paper, we explore clean-label poisoning attacks on deep convolut...
We provide a detailed analysis of convolutional neural networks which ar...
We present R-FCN-3000, a large-scale real-time object detector in which
With the development of depth cameras such as Kinect and Intel Realsense...