Temporal graphs represent interactions between entities over time. Decid...
Motivated by challenges in pangenomic read alignment, we propose a
Regular Path Queries (RPQs), which are essentially regular expressions t...
We present a new data structure for maintaining dynamic permutations, wh...
Given a straight-line program with g rules for a text T [1..n], we can
We consider the problem of computing the Maximal Exact Matches (MEMs) of...
It was recently proved that any SLP generating a given string w can be
An L-system (for lossless compression) is a CPD0L-system extended with t...
Two recent lower bounds on the compressiblity of repetitive sequences,
We present a new semi-external algorithm that builds the Burrows-Wheeler...
As nowadays Machine Learning (ML) techniques are generating huge data
We introduce a time- and space-efficient technique to solve regularpath
We propose a new representation of the offsets of the Lempel-Ziv (LZ)
In this systems paper, we present MillenniumDB: a novel graph database e...
The size b of the smallest bidirectional macro scheme, which is arguably...
The r-index (Gagie et al., JACM 2020) represented a breakthrough in
A grammar compression algorithm, called GCIS, is introduced in this work...
We describe a grammar for DNA sequencing reads from which we can compute...
Computing the matching statistics of patterns with respect to a text is ...
The research on indexing repetitive string collections has focused on th...
In recent years, RDF has gained popularity as a format for the standardi...
Prefix-free parsing (PFP) was introduced by Boucher et al. (2019) as a
Two decades ago, a breakthrough in indexing string collections made it
Let a text T[1..n] be the only string generated by a context-free gramma...
Lempel-Ziv is an easy-to-compute member of a wide family of so-called ma...
We present a compact data structure to represent both the duration and l...
Signaling pathways are responsible for the regulation of cell processes,...
This work introduces a companion reproducible paper with the aim of allo...
We show that the topological model, a semantically rich standard to repr...
Sequence representations supporting not only direct access to their symb...
The k^2-tree is a successful compact representation of binary relations
The raster model is commonly used for the representation of images in ma...
We introduce a new family of compressed data structures to efficiently s...
We present Dv2v, a new dynamic (one-pass) variable-to-variable compresso...
We introduce a compressed data structure for the storage of free traject...
We address the problem of representing dynamic graphs using k^2-trees. T...
Shape grammars are well known in the graphics and design communities but...
Unlike in statistical compression, where Shannon's entropy is a definiti...
Worst-case optimal join algorithms have gained a lot of attention in the...
Data compression is a powerful tool for managing massive but repetitive
Lempel-Ziv (LZ77 or, briefly, LZ) is one of the most effective and
Document listing on string collections is the task of finding all docume...
Suffix trees are a fundamental data structure in stringology, but their ...
Converting a set of sequencing reads into a lossless compact data struct...
String attractors are a novel combinatorial object encompassing most kno...
The Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) is an important technique both in da...
We present RCT, a new compact data structure to represent trajectories o...
The advent of high-throughput sequencing has resulted in massive genomic...
Indexing highly repetitive texts --- such as genomic databases, software...
We present the first solution to τ-majorities on tree paths. Given a