Choreographic programming is a paradigm where a concurrent or distribute...
We present PolyChorλ, a language for higher-order functional
Choreographic programming is a programming paradigm, whereby the overall...
Programming communicating processes is challenging, because it requires
Choreographic programming is a paradigm where developers write the globa...
Choreographic programming is a paradigm for writing coordination plans f...
Choreographies are formal descriptions of distributed systems, which foc...
We formally define and implement a translation from domain models in the...
We propose a new interpretation of choreographies as functions, whereby
Initiated by Abramsky [1994], the Proofs as Processes agenda is to estab...
In the field of microservices, Model-Driven Engineering has emerged as a...
We propose Sliceable Monolith, a new methodology for developing microser...
Choreographic programming is a paradigm for developing concurrent and
Theory of choreographic languages typically includes a number of complex...
We present Choral, the first framework for programming choreographies
Choreography extraction deals with the generation of a choreography (a g...
In modern application areas for software systems --- like eHealth, the
Process calculi based on logic, such as πDILL and CP, provide a
Serverless computing, also known as Functions-as-a-Service, is a recent
We present Hypersequent Classical Processes (HCP), a revised interpretat...
We present Multiparty Classical Choreographies (MCC), a language model w...
We present Cho-Reo-graphies (CR), a new language model that unites two
We introduce the calculus of Classical Transitions (CT), which extends t...
Classical Processes (CP) is a calculus where the proof theory of classic...
Modular programming is a cornerstone in software development, as it allo...
Choreographies are global descriptions of communication structures, insp...
Choreographic Programming is a paradigm for the development of concurren...
Choreographic Programming is a paradigm for developing
Choreographies are widely used for the specification of concurrent and