Dulani Meedeniya
Prof. Dulani Meedeniya is a Professor in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. She holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of St Andrews, United Kingdom. She is the director of the Bio-Health Informatics group at her department and engages in many collaborative research. She is a co-author of 100+ publications in indexed journals, peer-reviewed conferences and international book chapters. Prof. Dulani has received several awards and grants for her contribution in research. She serves as a reviewer, program committee and editorial team member in many international conferences and journals. Her main research interests are Software modelling and design, Bio-Health Informatics, Deep Learning and Technology-enhanced learning. She is a Fellow of HEA (UK), MIET, MIEEE, Member of ACM and a Chartered Engineer registered at EC (UK).