The Noisy Max mechanism and its variations are fundamental private selec...
Noisy marginals are a common form of confidentiality-protecting data rel...
Process-Based Modeling (PBM) and Machine Learning (ML) are often perceiv...
When analyzing confidential data through a privacy filter, a data scient...
We present ThreshNet, a post-processing method to refine the output of n...
Differential privacy is a widely accepted formal privacy definition that...
The purpose of this paper is to guide interpretation of the semantic pri...
The Census TopDown Algorithm (TDA) is a disclosure avoidance system usin...
The TopDown Algorithm (TDA) first produces differentially private counts...
Sparse histogram methods can be useful for returning differentially priv...
Recent advances in deep learning have led to superhuman performance acro...
Recent advances in deep learning have resulted in image compression
Privacy-protected microdata are often the desired output of a differenti...
Differential privacy has become a de facto standard for releasing data i...
The permute-and-flip mechanism is a recently proposed differentially pri...
Given a single RGB panorama, the goal of 3D layout reconstruction is to
Automated mathematical reasoning is a challenging problem that requires ...
When fitting statistical models to variables in geoscientific discipline...
Neural generative models can be used to learn complex probability
Private selection algorithms, such as the Exponential Mechanism, Noisy M...
In practice, differentially private data releases are designed to suppor...
Standard methods for differentially private training of deep neural netw...
Recent work on Renyi Differential Privacy has shown the feasibility of
We propose CheckDP, the first automated and integrated approach for prov...
Differential privacy is an information theoretic constraint on algorithm...
Training deep neural networks on large-scale datasets requires significa...
Soil moisture is an important variable that determines floods, vegetatio...
In lifelong learning systems, especially those based on artificial neura...
Noisy Max and Sparse Vector are selection algorithms for differential pr...
Recent work on formal verification of differential privacy shows a trend...
Temporal models based on recurrent neural networks have proven to be qui...
Temporal models based on recurrent neural networks have proven to be qui...
The L1 regularization (Lasso) has proven to be a versatile tool to selec...
We study the problem of extracting text instance contour information fro...
Iterative algorithms, like gradient descent, are common tools for solvin...
Advances in sensor technology have enabled the collection of large-scale...
The widespread acceptance of differential privacy has led to the publica...
Many tasks are related to determining if a particular text string exists...
The process of data mining with differential privacy produces results th...
We consider the problem of privately releasing a class of queries that w...
Consider the problem of estimating, for every integer j, the number of
The use of back-propagation and its variants to train deep networks is o...
The Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission has delivered valuable
We present an end-to-end, multimodal, fully convolutional network for
In this paper, we consider the problem of predicting demographics of
Many previous proposals for adversarial training of deep neural nets hav...