Event detection (ED) is aimed to identify the key trigger words in
State-of-the-art generative model-based attacks against image classifier...
The majority of methods for crafting adversarial attacks have focused on...
Blackbox adversarial attacks can be categorized into transfer- and
Adversarial attacks perturb images such that a deep neural network produ...
Blackbox transfer attacks for image classifiers have been extensively st...
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have been shown to be vulnerable to adversar...
When compared to the image classification models, black-box adversarial
Vision systems that deploy Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are known to be
The emergence of Internet of Things (IoT) brings about new security
There has been a recent surge in research on adversarial perturbations t...
Spectre attacks and their many subsequent variants are a new vulnerabili...
Concolic execution is a powerful program analysis technique for explorin...
Today's IoT systems include event-driven smart applications (apps) that
Beyond point solutions, the vision of edge computing is to enable web
The recent Spectre attacks exploit speculative execution, a pervasively ...
Recent research has demonstrated the brittleness of machine learning sys...
Speculative execution which is used pervasively in modern CPUs can leave...