Bruce D'Ambrosio
Founder at Tuuyi, Inc
This is the Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Uncertainty in
This is the Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Uncertainty in Artif...
A complete approach to reasoning under uncertainty requires support for
Computational mechanisms for uncertainty management must support interac...
We present a generalization of the local expression language used in the...
We report on an experimental investigation into opportunities for parall...
Given a belief network with evidence, the task of finding the I most pro...
Propositional representation services such as truth maintenance systems ...
A BN2O network is a two level belief net in which the parent interaction...
Real-time Decision algorithms are a class of incremental resource-bounde...
The noisy-or and its generalization noisy-max have been utilized to redu...
An increasing number of applications require real-time reasoning under