A random 2-cell embedding of a connected graph G in some orientable surf...
By using permutation representations of maps, one obtains a bijection be...
The main results of this paper provide an Efficient Polynomial-Time
We introduce a model for random geodesic drawings of the complete bipart...
By a map we mean a 2-cell decomposition of a closed compact surface, i.e...
We establish a lower bound for the cop number of graphs of high girth in...
The game of Cops and Robbers is a well known game played on graphs. In t...
The game of Cops and Robbers is a well known pursuit-evasion game played...
The game of cops and robbers is a well-known game played on graphs. In t...
We study c-crossing-critical graphs, which are the minimal graphs that
We introduce the inverse Voronoi diagram problem in graphs: given a grap...
The crossing number of a graph is the minimum number of crossings in a
Let G be a simple n-vertex graph and c be a colouring of E(G) with
n col...
We consider the problem of deciding whether an input graph G admits a
We study c-crossing-critical graphs, which are the minimal graphs that
We present the first survey of its kind on results at the intersection o...