Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - The Downscaling Attack Against Deep Learning Applications

by   Qixue Xiao, et al.

This paper considers security risks buried in the data processing pipeline in common deep learning applications. Deep learning models usually assume a fixed scale for their training and input data. To allow deep learning applications to handle a wide range of input data, popular frameworks, such as Caffe, TensorFlow, and Torch, all provide data scaling functions to resize input to the dimensions used by deep learning models. Image scaling algorithms are intended to preserve the visual features of an image after scaling. However, common image scaling algorithms are not designed to handle human crafted images. Attackers can make the scaling outputs look dramatically different from the corresponding input images. This paper presents a downscaling attack that targets the data scaling process in deep learning applications. By carefully crafting input data that mismatches with the dimension used by deep learning models, attackers can create deceiving effects. A deep learning application effectively consumes data that are not the same as those presented to users. The visual inconsistency enables practical evasion and data poisoning attacks to deep learning applications. This paper presents proof-of-concept attack samples to popular deep-learning-based image classification applications. To address the downscaling attacks, the paper also suggests multiple potential mitigation strategies.


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