Vyasa: A High-Performance Vectorizing Compiler for Tensor Convolutions on the Xilinx AI Engine

by   Prasanth Chatarasi, et al.

Xilinx's AI Engine is a recent industry example of energy-efficient vector processing that includes novel support for 2D SIMD datapaths and shuffle interconnection network. The current approach to programming the AI Engine relies on a C/C++ API for vector intrinsics. While an advance over assembly-level programming, it requires the programmer to specify a number of low-level operations based on detailed knowledge of the hardware. To address these challenges, we introduce Vyasa, a new programming system that extends the Halide DSL compiler to automatically generate code for the AI Engine. We evaluated Vyasa on 36 CONV2D and 6 CONV3D workloads, and achieved geometric means of 7.6 and 23.3 MACs/cycle for 32-bit and 16-bit operands (which represent 95.9 workloads for which expert-written codes were available to us, Vyasa demonstrated a geometric mean performance improvement of 1.10x with 50x smaller code relative to the expert-written codes.


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