Twitter Sentiment Analysis using Distributed Word and Sentence Representation

An important part of the information gathering and data analysis is to find out what people think about, either a product or an entity. Twitter is an opinion rich social networking site. The posts or tweets from this data can be used for mining people's opinions. The recent surge of activity in this area can be attributed to the computational treatment of data, which made opinion extraction and sentiment analysis easier. This paper classifies tweets into positive and negative sentiments, but instead of using traditional methods or preprocessing text data here we use the distributed representations of words and sentences to classify the tweets. We use Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Artificial Neural Networks. The first two are used on Distributed Representation of words while the latter is used on the distributed representation of sentences. This paper achieves accuracies as high as 81 creating distributed representations of words for sentiment analysis, out of the available methods.


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