TSMixer: Lightweight MLP-Mixer Model for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

by   Vijay Ekambaram, et al.

Transformers have gained popularity in time series forecasting for their ability to capture long-sequence interactions. However, their high memory and computing requirements pose a critical bottleneck for long-term forecasting. To address this, we propose TSMixer, a lightweight neural architecture exclusively composed of multi-layer perceptron (MLP) modules. TSMixer is designed for multivariate forecasting and representation learning on patched time series, providing an efficient alternative to Transformers. Our model draws inspiration from the success of MLP-Mixer models in computer vision. We demonstrate the challenges involved in adapting Vision MLP-Mixer for time series and introduce empirically validated components to enhance accuracy. This includes a novel design paradigm of attaching online reconciliation heads to the MLP-Mixer backbone, for explicitly modeling the time-series properties such as hierarchy and channel-correlations. We also propose a Hybrid channel modeling approach to effectively handle noisy channel interactions and generalization across diverse datasets, a common challenge in existing patch channel-mixing methods. Additionally, a simple gated attention mechanism is introduced in the backbone to prioritize important features. By incorporating these lightweight components, we significantly enhance the learning capability of simple MLP structures, outperforming complex Transformer models with minimal computing usage. Moreover, TSMixer's modular design enables compatibility with both supervised and masked self-supervised learning methods, making it a promising building block for time-series Foundation Models. TSMixer outperforms state-of-the-art MLP and Transformer models in forecasting by a considerable margin of 8-60 Patch-Transformer models (by 1-2 runtime (2-3X).


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