Topic Modeling, Clade-assisted Sentiment Analysis, and Vaccine Brand Reputation Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccine-related Facebook Comments in the Philippines

by   Jasper Kyle Catapang, et al.

Vaccine hesitancy and other COVID-19-related concerns and complaints in the Philippines are evident on social media. It is important to identify these different topics and sentiments in order to gauge public opinion, use the insights to develop policies, and make necessary adjustments or actions to improve public image and reputation of the administering agency and the COVID-19 vaccines themselves. This paper proposes a semi-supervised machine learning pipeline to perform topic modeling, sentiment analysis, and an analysis of vaccine brand reputation to obtain an in-depth understanding of national public opinion of Filipinos on Facebook. The methodology makes use of a multilingual version of Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers or BERT for topic modeling, hierarchical clustering, five different classifiers for sentiment analysis, and cosine similarity of BERT topic embeddings for vaccine brand reputation analysis. Results suggest that any type of COVID-19 misinformation is an emergent property of COVID-19 public opinion, and that the detection of COVID-19 misinformation can be an unsupervised task. Sentiment analysis aided by hierarchical clustering reveal that 21 of the 25 topics extrapolated by topic modeling are negative topics. Such negative comments spike in count whenever the Department of Health in the Philippines posts about the COVID-19 situation in other countries. Additionally, the high numbers of laugh reactions on the Facebook posts by the same agency – without any humorous content – suggest that the reactors of these posts tend to react the way they do, not because of what the posts are about but because of who posted them.


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