The BlackParrot BedRock Cache Coherence System
This paper presents BP-BedRock, the open-source cache coherence protocol and system implemented within the BlackParrot 64-bit RISC-V multicore processor. BP-BedRock implements the BedRock directory-based MOESIF cache coherence protocol and includes two different open-source coherence protocol engines, one FSM-based and the other microcode programmable. Both coherence engines support coherent uncacheable access to cacheable memory and L1-based atomic read-modify-write operations. Fitted within the BlackParrot multicore, BP-BedRock has been silicon validated in a GlobalFoundries 12nm FinFET process and FPGA validated with both coherence engines in 8-core configurations, booting Linux and running off the shelf benchmarks. After describing BP-BedRock and the design of the two coherence engines, we study their performance by analyzing processing occupancy and running the Splash-3 benchmarks on the 8-core FPGA implementations. Careful design and coherence-specific ISA extensions enable the programmable controller to achieve performance within 1 average (2.3 shows that the programmable coherence engine increases die area by only 4 an ASIC process and increases logic utilization by only 6.3 additional block RAM added per core.