Temperature as Uncertainty in Contrastive Learning

by   Oliver Zhang, et al.

Contrastive learning has demonstrated great capability to learn representations without annotations, even outperforming supervised baselines. However, it still lacks important properties useful for real-world application, one of which is uncertainty. In this paper, we propose a simple way to generate uncertainty scores for many contrastive methods by re-purposing temperature, a mysterious hyperparameter used for scaling. By observing that temperature controls how sensitive the objective is to specific embedding locations, we aim to learn temperature as an input-dependent variable, treating it as a measure of embedding confidence. We call this approach "Temperature as Uncertainty", or TaU. Through experiments, we demonstrate that TaU is useful for out-of-distribution detection, while remaining competitive with benchmarks on linear evaluation. Moreover, we show that TaU can be learned on top of pretrained models, enabling uncertainty scores to be generated post-hoc with popular off-the-shelf models. In summary, TaU is a simple yet versatile method for generating uncertainties for contrastive learning. Open source code can be found at: https://github.com/mhw32/temperature-as-uncertainty-public.


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