State of the Art Optical Character Recognition of 19th Century Fraktur Scripts using Open Source Engines

by   Christian Reul, et al.

In this paper we evaluate Optical Character Recognition (OCR) of 19th century Fraktur scripts without book-specific training using mixed models, i.e. models trained to recognize a variety of fonts and typesets from previously unseen sources. We describe the training process leading to strong mixed OCR models and compare them to freely available models of the popular open source engines OCRopus and Tesseract as well as the commercial state of the art system ABBYY. For evaluation, we use a varied collection of unseen data from books, journals, and a dictionary from the 19th century. The experiments show that training mixed models with real data is superior to training with synthetic data and that the novel OCR engine Calamari outperforms the other engines considerably, on average reducing ABBYYs character error rate (CER) by over 70 an average CER below 1


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