Soft Subdivision Motion Planning for Complex Planar Robots

by   Bo Zhou, et al.

The design and implementation of theoretically-sound robot motion planning algorithms is challenging. Within the framework of resolution-exact algorithms, it is possible to exploit soft predicates for collision detection. The design of soft predicates is a balancing act between easily implementable predicates and their accuracy/effectivity. In this paper, we focus on the class of planar polygonal rigid robots with arbitrarily complex geometry. We exploit the remarkable decomposability property of soft collision-detection predicates of such robots. We introduce a general technique to produce such a decomposition. If the robot is an m-gon, the complexity of this approach scales linearly in m. This contrasts with the O(m^3) complexity known for exact planners. It follows that we can now routinely produce soft predicates for any rigid polygonal robot. This results in resolution-exact planners for such robots within the general Soft Subdivision Search (SSS) framework. This is a significant advancement in the theory of sound and complete planners for planar robots. We implemented such decomposed predicates in our open-source Core Library. The experiments show that our algorithms are effective, perform in real time on non-trivial environments, and can outperform many sampling-based methods.


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