SINA - Smart Interoperability Architecture An architecture fostering the interoperability between smart building technology from different manufacturers and smart grid infrastr

by   Andreas Rumsch, et al.

More and more household appliances connect to the Internet and exchange data freely. This is the foundation for true smart buildings. However, there is still no uniform communication technology available, which can connect all appliances from all vendors. Protocols differ between manufacturers making interoperability difficult or even impossible. Manufacturers cannot rely on a reference for the implementation and real estate developers and operators are reluctant to commit to a system until it is clear which one will prevail. A similar situation is evident in smart grids and applies equally to the energy supply industry. This fragmentation ultimately leads to missed opportunities in terms of business models which could connect customers with service providers. We present a first draft of an architecture: SINA - Smart Interoperability Architecture. SINA is based on existing decentralized infrastructure, which avoids creating a dependency of the market participants on an overpowering service provider. The core element of the technical solution is an open-source module integrated in the private clouds of the manufacturers, energy suppliers and service providers. The architecture addresses problems of data ownership, privacy and data security avoiding central administrative structures. It manages data access and transfer in a decentralized and distributed system. SINA uses a blockchain and smart contracts to make sure that the pieces of information about which data are accessed, by whom they are accessed, how they are processed, and which monetary transactions take place are immutably stored and made available. This allows providers to offer services to users in a transparent and trustworthy manner. Finally, SINA includes a matchmaking block which helps service providers find potential customers and vice versa. This set of features makes SINA unique.


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