SelfPromer: Self-Prompt Dehazing Transformers with Depth-Consistency

by   Cong Wang, et al.

This work presents an effective depth-consistency self-prompt Transformer for image dehazing. It is motivated by an observation that the estimated depths of an image with haze residuals and its clear counterpart vary. Enforcing the depth consistency of dehazed images with clear ones, therefore, is essential for dehazing. For this purpose, we develop a prompt based on the features of depth differences between the hazy input images and corresponding clear counterparts that can guide dehazing models for better restoration. Specifically, we first apply deep features extracted from the input images to the depth difference features for generating the prompt that contains the haze residual information in the input. Then we propose a prompt embedding module that is designed to perceive the haze residuals, by linearly adding the prompt to the deep features. Further, we develop an effective prompt attention module to pay more attention to haze residuals for better removal. By incorporating the prompt, prompt embedding, and prompt attention into an encoder-decoder network based on VQGAN, we can achieve better perception quality. As the depths of clear images are not available at inference, and the dehazed images with one-time feed-forward execution may still contain a portion of haze residuals, we propose a new continuous self-prompt inference that can iteratively correct the dehazing model towards better haze-free image generation. Extensive experiments show that our method performs favorably against the state-of-the-art approaches on both synthetic and real-world datasets in terms of perception metrics including NIQE, PI, and PIQE.


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