Sarcasm Detection in Twitter – Performance Impact while using Data Augmentation: Word Embeddings

by   Alif Tri Handoyo, et al.

Sarcasm is the use of words usually used to either mock or annoy someone, or for humorous purposes. Sarcasm is largely used in social networks and microblogging websites, where people mock or censure in a way that makes it difficult even for humans to tell if what is said is what is meant. Failure to identify sarcastic utterances in Natural Language Processing applications such as sentiment analysis and opinion mining will confuse classification algorithms and generate false results. Several studies on sarcasm detection have utilized different learning algorithms. However, most of these learning models have always focused on the contents of expression only, leaving the contextual information in isolation. As a result, they failed to capture the contextual information in the sarcastic expression. Moreover, some datasets used in several studies have an unbalanced dataset which impacting the model result. In this paper, we propose a contextual model for sarcasm identification in twitter using RoBERTa, and augmenting the dataset by applying Global Vector representation (GloVe) for the construction of word embedding and context learning to generate more data and balancing the dataset. The effectiveness of this technique is tested with various datasets and data augmentation settings. In particular, we achieve performance gain by 3.2 using data augmentation to increase 20 F-score of 40.4


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