Predicting Visual Attention and Distraction During Visual Search Using Convolutional Neural Networks

by   Manoosh Samiei, et al.

Most studies in computational modeling of visual attention encompass task-free observation of images. Free-viewing saliency considers limited scenarios of daily life. Most visual activities are goal-oriented and demand a great amount of top-down attention control. Visual search task demands more top-down control of attention, compared to free-viewing. In this paper, we present two approaches to model visual attention and distraction of observers during visual search. Our first approach adapts a light-weight free-viewing saliency model to predict eye fixation density maps of human observers over pixels of search images, using a two-stream convolutional encoder-decoder network, trained and evaluated on COCO-Search18 dataset. This method predicts which locations are more distracting when searching for a particular target. Our network achieves good results on standard saliency metrics (AUC-Judd=0.95, AUC-Borji=0.85, sAUC=0.84, NSS=4.64, KLD=0.93, CC=0.72, SIM=0.54, and IG=2.59). Our second approach is object-based and predicts the distractor and target objects during visual search. Distractors are all objects except the target that observers fixate on during search. This method uses a Mask-RCNN segmentation network pre-trained on MS-COCO and fine-tuned on COCO-Search18 dataset. We release our segmentation annotations of targets and distractors in COCO-Search18 for three target categories: bottle, bowl, and car. The average scores over the three categories are: F1-score=0.64, MAP(iou:0.5)=0.57, MAR(iou:0.5)=0.73. Our implementation code in Tensorflow is publicly available at .


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